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Re: How can we export script name and version details from ADMIN->EUM->Script repository


Hi vidz,

check out the EUM API for this
there are functions like
Class SrScriptBean
getSrVersions() - Get all the script versions.

and alike.

If you know the script id, you can also use for example cURL to retrieve the version of that specific script

curl -G -u <user>:<pass> "<GW>/topaz/eumopenapi/sr/script/11"


Re: Status in Sitescope Email Alert is getting Trimmed


Hi palurip,

as far as I can tell after checking the source code,
when using strings like the last run status for an email alert,
SiteScope trims this string if it is longer than the per element-specific number of characters, and replaces the last three characters by "...",
resulting in the string as you can see it in your alerting email.

However, I wonder what SiteScope version you are using, and what exact mail template you use?
Using SiteScope 11.32, I created a monitor which returns a long Status string:

Disk/File System/[C]/percent full=87.792, Disk/File System/[C]/MB free=12488, Disk/File System/[C]/MB total=102296, Disk/File System/[E]/MB free=82855, Disk/File System/[E]/MB total=153596, Disk/File System/[HarddiskVolume1]/percent full=28.283, Disk/File System/[HarddiskVolume1]/MB free=71, Disk/File System/[E]/percent full=46.057, Disk/File System/[HarddiskVolume1]/MB total=99

The length of this string is 381, and when I look at the email I get - when using the
Subject : "Typical"
Template : "Default"

Monitor: 200981347:Dynamic Disk Space sov02bac16
Group: SGTest
Status: Disk/File System/[C]/percent full=87.799, Disk/File System/[C]/MB free=12481, Disk/File System/[C]/MB total=102296, Disk/File System/[E]/MB free=82855, Disk/File System/[E]/MB total=153596, Disk/File System/[HarddiskVolume1]/percent full=28.283, Disk/File System/[HarddiskVolume1]/MB free=71, Disk/File System/[E]/percent full=46.057, Disk/File System/[HarddiskVolume1]/MB total=99
Sample #: 2793

So the length used might be related to the individual monitor (you used  DB Query monitor, while I use a Dynamic Disk Space monitor), or depend on the version.
But in no case I have found an option or a key which would allow to enlarge the limit of individual strings.


Re: How can we export script name and version details from ADMIN->EUM->Script repository


Hi vidz,

I found this information in the BSM management table SR_ENTITY


30 all_status 2015-05-27 15:09:09.003 2015-10-08 09:43:13.110 0 \root\Siggi\ administrator
37 BSM_bac16_login_license 2016-06-08 09:59:00.333 2016-06-08 09:59:00.333 0 \root\Siggi\ administrator
15 BSM_swvm402_login_license 2014-06-03 14:00:14.257 2014-06-03 15:05:59.713 0 \root\Siggi\ administrator
33 Google_Parm 2015-08-20 11:15:31.387 2015-08-20 11:15:31.387 0 \root\Siggi\ administrator
20 Cris for 4650105662_2 2015-03-02 15:32:42.077 2015-09-21 12:14:25.427 0 \root\Cris\ administrator
21 Cris for 4650105662_3_no_nested 2015-03-02 15:32:42.823 2015-03-02 15:32:42.823 0 \root\Cris\ administrator
19 Random_Availability 2015-02-24 09:33:10.813 2015-02-24 09:33:10.813 0 \root\Cris\ administrator
23 omniStore 2015-03-12 10:19:32.717 2015-03-12 10:19:32.717 0 \root\pablo\ administrator
29 RUM_CM_User1111 2015-05-27 15:07:23.137 2016-06-08 09:58:23.463 0 \root\Siggi\RUM_C_M\ administrator

but as you can see, there is no easy way to link this to the script version and alike, as the table is used internally only.,


Re: Failed to create a connection for pool (Oracle db) in BSM 9.25


Hi yangnigon,

Dmitry wrote
> In addition update the SESSION_DBETYPE column in the same table (from 1 to 0) for all the rows that are affected by the password change you did in #2 above.

You tried to update the field SESSION_DBTYPE

SESSION_DBTYPE in fact tells BSM what DB type the database is of, while SESSION_DBETYPE tells BSM whether or not the password is encrypted (1) or plain text (0).


Re: BPM dumps the data to a file


Hi Adr,

let me ask a question as well:
what on earth do you plan to do with these files? They are not meant for processing or reporting or a like..


Re: BPM dumps the data to a file


Hi Adr,

I wouldn't call this stupid, but unusual ;-)

> due to some restriction I'm thinking in a solution to avoid going throught the BSM.
> So, maybe these files can be picked up.
The files live under
<data>\ProgramData\HP\BPM\workspace\<Agent#>\<Site#>\data\<sample type>
with sample type being for example trans_t, underneath you'll find (only for the time of the processing)
a folder
and underneath

for example
underneath the last folder you finally can find the data files, in my test case (the number of files depend on the complexity of the script)


The fileset lives there until BPM uploaded it to BSM, so usually a couple of seconds only.
The data however is also archived to
<BPM Data folder>\workspace\archive\shortTerm\samples\siteX
for example

and also to
<BPM Data folder>\workspace\archive\shortTerm\samples\siteX
for example

So while you can easily pick up the files, for example from the shortTerm archives,
you won't be able to feed this data to BSM directly, the only way I know is the way BPM uses.

> Do you know how long they are available ?
This is configurable via >BPM Data Folder>\HP\BPM\config\archive.cfg,
by default the shortTerm data is stored for one hour,
the longTerm data is stored for one day:

#sample files archive policy
#The shortTerm policy defines how long to keep the files in the short term folder (the files are kept in their original state)
#The longTerm policy defines how long to keep the files in the long term folder (the files are kept in zip format)
shortTerm=1 HOUR
longTerm=1 DAY

Hope this helps anyway

Re: BSM 9.25 - The Topview is showing but there is no BPM monitoring data dispalyed in all of report


Hi yangnigon,

> BSM 9.25 - The Topview is showing but there is no BPM monitoring data dispalyed in all of reports
typically happens when the data collector data reaches BSM fine, but the loader cannot add the data to the profile database.

The logfile screenshots show that PM works fine (as far as the snippet can tell), but the loader fails to insert data because the database context is unknown:
BpmApplicationConfigDtoImple.java:401) ERROR - Failed to access Profile DB data for SESSION_ID=181
Failed to get the DbContext of profile 181 in DbContextHelper

Did you recently change the profile database for that (or more or all) BPM measurements?
Did you delete a profile database?

Perform a 
  select * from <Management_DB>.SESSIONS
and check if you can find an entry with SESSION_ID 181

If it's there, then you should open a case with support to enable it to porperly look at the logs,
a screenshot is not good enough.
If you cannot find such an entry, but another one with the correct profile DB information,
you might wanna check whether or not your EUM/BPM Business Applicaitons report to the correct profile database.


Re: URGENT - CUSTOMER IMPACTING!!! RE: Issue with TLS 1.2 Outbound Calls to Active Directory LDAP


I already replied by email to Mark


Re: SiteScope - The monitor property form is currently unavailable error


Hi Ryan,

for this error
'The monitor property form is currently unavailable error'
I found a lot of different solutions, for different SiteScope versions, including
- update of JRE to the proper version
- installing IP5 (this was an issue with SiS 11.24)
- removed corrupted integration configuration on the SiteScope, customer has to re-integrate bsm.

The files are usually updated on the BSM side and then downloaded to SiteScope (or SiteScope requests them, don't know),
however there is no 1:1 relationship between BSM and SiteScope filesets, so this can get really tricky,
for example
indicators.xml comes out of <HPBSM>\AppServer\webapps\site.war\bam\conf\repositories\indicators\def.xml

There is a default folder at
so you can also copy the files from the default folder to
and then restart SiteScope.

If you see errors in the SiteScope logs like

ERROR - CISubTypes parsing error in the file C:\SiteScope\conf\integration\bsm\ciSubTypes.xml, line 1625, uri null Character conversion error: "Unconvertible UTF-8 character beginning with 0x92" (line number may be too low).
ERROR - Unable to load CI sub types from XML file
ERROR - CISubTypes parsing error in the file C:\SiteScope\conf\integration\bsm\ciSubTypes.xml, line 1625, uri null Character conversion error: "Unconvertible UTF-8 character beginning with 0x92" (line number may be too low).

one reason can be that the files are not UTF-8 encoded.


Re: BPM dumps the data to a file


Hi Adr,

I think BPM assembles the data it uploads to BSM out of all files,
not just the .json file.
For example the transaction end status is kept in the file <transaction>.endStatus

Here is the layout for a more comples script,
there is on .json file per transaction step, and a subdirectory for the Snapshot On Error information:



Re: BPM dumps the data to a file


Hi Adr,

> what you mean is that the BPM don't just send a json
> Is not the file with the extension *.sent the one that is sending ?

"I think" means that I don't have the exact information, so I can guess only.

We keep track of the transaction results via
and one or more

*.metadata contains the per script information, *.endStatus the script exit status,
the .json files contain the per transaction step information.
All this data is combined into a sample byte array (for example <BPM data\workspace\agent1\Site1\data\encoded_samples\1477924821196_242\1477924821196_249.sba),
not human readble, and send on to BSM.

I'm more then confident that you won't be able to do this
I'd like to know what information is sending the BPM ( the json, or some info gathered from the all files... ) in order to check if I can set the BPM to send the info to another url (another application or server to gather the info).

BPM hasn't been designed to work with other applications than just BSM.
Even collecting all the sample data and sending it - by whatever means - over to another BPM system which can talk to BSM directly, wouldn't work,
as the other BPM system would be identified differentyl by BSM.

Sorry, I think what you try to accomplish cannot be done.


Re: BPM dumps the data to a file


Hi Adr,
you are very welcome.

Re: BSM 9.25 - The Topview is showing but there is no BPM monitoring data dispalyed in all of report


Hi yangnigon,

you can check the logs and see what applications the loader fails on,
one for example is
application_name "xxx_DataPointer"

To verify what profile db the Business Application is assigned to
(this is done on a per Business Application bases, other then for SiteScope, where we have one SiteScope intance reporting to one profile database)
go to BSM -> Admin -> EU; -> Monitoring
select the Business Application
on the right-hand side, tab "Properties", under "General Application Settings" there is a field
Profile database,
which shows the name of the profile database configured for this BA.

If it's a wrong profile DB, your only option is to delete the BA and create it again, this time using the correct profile DB.


Re: Installation directory issue while installaing HPBSM.


Hi Kiran,

if you cannot change the installation directory of HP BSM, it usually means a related product,
for example Operations Agent or alike, or an earlier version of HPBSM has been installed before,
and thus set the registry entries.

To get around this, make sure that you don't have any OV* software intalled on the box anymore,
then delete the registry keys which point to (in your case) "C:\ProgramData\HP\BSM\",
and or "C:\Program Files\HP\HP BTO Software\"

for example via


Then delete the leftover folders from your BSM installation and try again.


Re: Sitescope Monitor failing for Oracle DB monitors


Hi Murthy,

you unfortunately didn't include any environmental details, namely
- SiteScope version
- platform SiteScope runs on
- MS SQL Server version
- JDBC driver version 

Based on the Database driver configuration "sun.jdbc.odbc.Jdbc.OdbcDriver" you are using the default JDBC driver dleivered with SiteScope.

On my SiteScope 11.32 / Windows test system I monitor a MS SQL 2008 instance I use these parameters
  user / password
and all works fine. For this I had to download and install a new JDBC driver:
(details can be found in this document : KM02262441)

1. Download sqljdbc_6.0.7130.100_enu.exe from for example https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=11774
2. Stop SiteScope
3. Copy sqljdbc_auth.dll to <SiteScope_install_dir>\bin
4. Copy sqljdbc4.jar to <SiteScope_install_dir>\WEB-INF\lib and remove sqljdbc.jar from the same location
5. Start Sitescope
6. Configure Db monitors as such:
driver class : "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver"
connnectionURL : "jdbc:sqlserver://%dbservername%:%dbport%;databaseName=%dbname%"



Re: DB2 Monitoring


Hi Joonasp,

I assume you refer to these statements
Chapter 23: DB2 JDBC Monitor

It supports all operating systems with a supported JDBC driver and DB2 snapshot feature

This monitor uses the Snapshot mirroring functionality supported by DB2.
You must enable the Snapshot Mirror on your DB2 instance to retrieve counters.

I checked here and there and in fact it seems that the Snapshot Mirror means mirroring one volume or the complete database,
Check for example:


db2inidb - Initialize a mirrored database command
Initializes a mirrored database in a split mirror environment. The mirrored database can be initialized as a clone of the primary database, placed in roll forward pending state, or used as a backup image to restore the primary database.

This command can only be run against a split mirror database, and it must be run before the split mirror can be used.

Specifies that the mirrored database will be initialized as a clone of the primary database.
Specifies that the mirrored database is to be used as a backup image which can be used to restore the primary database.

While this doesn't make too much sense to - why would you need to replicate a database just to retrieve some counters - it seems that you won't be able to get to the counters. I found an old support case stating
Customer want to use DB2 monitor on z/OS.
When he tries to take counters he receives the following message: No counters available check snapshots switches".
(DB2 on z/OS didn't support snapshot mirrorring at that time)

Depending on the what you need to monitor, you can also have a look at the generic Database Query Monitor.


Re: Sitescope Monitor failing for Oracle DB monitors


Ui, my bad:

I read
"Sitescope Monitor failing for Oracle DB monitors"
but then
"[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid string or buffer length"
and thus thought that you try to monitor a MS SQL DB.

If you are using the Oracle Database Monitor (base don the SiteScope 11.32 Monitor Reference manual, chapter 75: Oracle Database Monitor)
Oracle versions supported are 8i, 9i, 10g, 11i, 11g R2 (, 11g R2 Real Application Clusters (RAC), and 12c ( servers.

The manual further states
You must have a copy of the applicable Oracle JDBC database driver file on the SiteScope server (it
is recommended to use the official Oracle JDBC driver, ojdbc6.jar or later). Copy the downloaded
driver file into the <SiteScope root directory>\WEB-INF\lib subdirectory. Stop and restart the
SiteScope service after copying the driver file to the SiteScope machine

So first you would need to install a JDBC driver which supports oyur Oracle version.

Then you need to make sure that you use the proper connection information, again as documented in the manual:

You must supply the correct Database connection URL, a database user name and password when
setting up the monitor. When using the Oracle thin driver, the database connection URL has the form

jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server name or IP address>:<port>:<database sid>.

When monitoring Oracle RAC databases, the database connection URL has the form of:
jdbc:oracle:thin:@<server name or IP address of SCAN (Single Client Access Name)
listener>:<port>/<database service name>.
For example, to connect to the ORCL database on a machine using port 1521 you would use:

Note: The colon (:) and the at (@) symbols must be included as shown.

- You must know the syntax for accessing the Oracle Database driver that was installed on the
SiteScope server. Examples of common database driver strings are:

o oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver.SiteScope supports the following categories of JDBC driver
supplied by Oracle that are compatible with Java 7: JDBC thin driver for Oracle databases, and
JDBC OCI (thick) driver. For details on accessing Oracle databases using OCI driver, see "How to
Access Oracle Databases Using OCI Driver" on the next page.

o com.mercury.jdbc.oracle.OracleDriver. A driver for Oracle databases. When using the driver
deployed with SiteScope, the database connection URL has the form of:
jdbc:mercury:oracle://<server name or IP address>:<database server port>;sid=<sid>

Note: The URL format may differ if you are using another JDBC driver, since the JDBC URL
depends on the driver.
- Only one version of each driver may be installed on the SiteScope machine. If there is more that

So first I would check the driver and the monitor settings.


Re: Dynamic Generic URL


Hi Santhosh K,
as mentioned in our internal forum already:

I think that the main purpose of the pro-processor class "Dashboard generic URL" is to open a URL with a certain view associated (based on the CI type or alike) to it.
I the code of it I can see that the viewname is always added, so I actually don't see a way how you can open a new window using a plain URL of your choice without any BSM stuff added to it.

Ah, there even is an ER on it:
QCCR1I88761 - ER for Dashboard generic URL preprocessor not to append view name to the URL
Either update the existing "Dashboard generic URL" Pre-Processor in "BSM -> Admin -> Service Health -> Repositories -> Context Menus -> Actions" to not append the current View name to the URL, or create a new Pre-Processor by cloning the existing "Dashboard generic URL" and modify it so that it doesn't append the View name
The workaround mentioned in that ER is to use an External Component within MyBSM …


Re: BSM 9.2x Error message "Profile DB ID not found"


Hi yangnigon,

you identified the problem yourself already:
- there is a problem with that specific profile ID=181, and this is the root cause
- I validated with the name that referencce the profile ID=181 by running query against Management schema SELECT * from SESSIONS
  I did not see anything that's related to Profile ID=181.
  I also checked the profile settings in "Manage Profile Databases" (Admin> Platform> Setup and Maintenance> Manage Profile Databases).
  The SESSION_DB_NAME matches Database Name in BSM with different SESSION_ID

Obviously there was a profile id / session_id 181 in the past, and "someone" still uses it:
> ERROR - Failed to get DbContext for Logical Application CI: ID=xxxxxxx which has a BPM Configuration with a wrong Profile DB ID=181
Simply check the CI with the Id, and most likely you will find a Business Application, this one thinks it has to use profile_id 181,
so in that case remove the BA and recreate it. Then it will know that it now has to use a different profile id.


Re: RUM DB query


Hi Parkar,
as TIm pointed out, MySQL – by design does not shrink and does not free the space once the information is deleted from the DB.  Below you can find the steps to reduce the size. Please keep in mind that this requires a RUM engine downtime which may take a very long time so please plan accordingly. Don’t forget to test on another environment fist before implementing on prod.

Here are the steps:
1. Stop your RUM engine;

2. Make sure MySQL DB service is up and running;

3. Copy your entire HPRUM_DATA dir to a new location (so you can have a fallback in case the procedure fails);

4. Open Command Prompt;

5. Browse to <HPRUM>\MySQL\bin;

6. Use the following command for backup:
mysqldump.exe -urum_user -prum_password --all-databases > <Target Drive>:\<target file name>.sql
Example: mysqldump.exe -urum_user -prum_password --all-databases > C:\alondump.sql

7. Stop your MySQL DB (via start menu);

8. Physically delete the following (from HPRUM_DATA folder):
- Schema folder
- ib_logfile0
- ib_logfile1
- ibdata1

9. Start your MySQL DB (via start menu)

10. Use the following command to restore (from the command line):
mysql.exe -urum_user -prum_password < <Target Drive>:\<target file name>
Example: mysql.exe -urum_user -prum_password < C:\alondump2.sql

11. Start your RUM Engine
I found this information in an old case, and it worked at that time, but this is all "try it on your own risk"


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